Nov 26, 2020
Investing 101 Part 2: Jamison and Rocky discuss how simple it is to get started with Neighborhood Ventures, and what you will see in the process. Get started now!
Nov 18, 2020
Investing 101 Part 1: Jamison and Rocky discuss what it takes to have an investor mindset, no matter your age or income. "I believe its critical that you should only invest in what you understand! If you can’t explain how your investment will generate cash flow to pay you back, then don’t invest in it. Should you...
Nov 11, 2020
Venture at Mountain View Part 4: Jamison, Rocky, and John discuss the broader Multifamily landscape nationally and why Phoenix rents will likely continue to climb
Nov 5, 2020
Venture at Mountain View Part 3: Jamison, Rocky, and John discusses the good, the bad, and the ugly about the interiors and exteriors of this 26 unit renovation
Nov 2, 2020
Venture at Mountain View Part 2: Jamison and Rocky discuss the designing details of Venture at Mountain View, a 26 unit property in Sunnyslope